Schenectady City School District
Schenectady, New York
As part of a major Capital Project scope, improvements for the 18 city school buildings were brick and masonry repair and repointing, building stabilization, plus comprehensive repair and replacement of windows, roofs and doors. Synthesis assisted the district facilities department in identifying long-term solutions for recurring maintenance items such as door and hardware failure and roof leaks. The project budget was closely managed while making the buildings watertight, safe, operational, and energy efficient. Additional site and accessibility improvements have enabled these historic buildings to continue to operate as contemporary educational facilities.
An additional District-wide initiative included classroom additions at 2 elementary schools to support the District’s K-8 initiative, a master plan of the High School which resulted in a science wing addition, the creation of secure entrances at school buildings throughout the District and a preliminary study of a potential downtown arts school which evaluated the District’s role in a regional P-16 initiative. Site designs included enhanced pedestrian and traffic safety at several buildings and athletic improvements featuring a new synthetic field at the high school.
Two major initiatives within the District that spanned over a decade of improvements and renovations